Power Postures:

Thanks to my hour-each-way commute and a job that requires ample computer time, I’m in a constant battle against gravity. The only thing that’s saved me from having bad posture? My yoga practice. But you don’t have to spend an hour on the mat each day to develop good posture and reap the benefits. Start incorporating a few of these stretches into your daily routine. They work to open and relax the upper and middle back, as well as the neck, chest and shoulders, all of which will help you counteract shoulder slump and help you stand straighter.

Standing Forward Bend

Stand tall with feet hip-width apart. Interlace fingers behind back, pressing palms together and straightening arms behind you. (If your shoulders are very tight, your palms may not touch; the more you stretch, the easier it will be to press them together, which helps deepen the opening in your shoulders.) Inhale, taking your gaze to the ceiling and bending backwards slightly. Exhale, folding forward at the hips, bringing the crown of your head towards the floor.

Bridge Pose:

Lie on your back, knees bent and feet flat on floor, arms by your sides. Walk your feet close enough to your butt that you can graze your heel with your longest finger. Inhale, pressing through heels and lifting hips to the sky. Wiggle shoulder blades underneath you and interlace your fingers, elongating arms on the floor and pressing fist toward heels. 

Upward-Facing Dog:

Sit on floor and cross right leg over left leg, trying to line right knee directly over left knee, bringing right foot by left hip and left foot by right hip. Inhale and stretch right arm out to right at shoulder height, then rotate thumb toward floor and then to the back wall, palm facing ceiling. Exhale, sweeping right arm behind you, resting right forearm on low back and bringing back of right hand between shoulder blades. Inhale, stretching left arm out in front of you at shoulder height, turning palm toward ceiling.

Cow Face Pose 

Sit on floor and cross right leg over left leg, trying to line right knee directly over left knee, bringing right foot by left hip and left foot by right hip. Inhale and stretch right arm out to right at shoulder height, then rotate thumb toward floor and then to the back wall, palm facing ceiling. Exhale, sweeping right arm behind you, resting right forearm on low back and bringing back of right hand between shoulder blades. Inhale, stretching left arm out in front of you at shoulder height, turning palm toward ceiling.

Table Top

Sit on floor with knees bent, feet flat on floor, palms by sides with fingers facing forward. Inhale, pressing through heels and lifting hips until spine is perpendicular with floor, allowing head to fall back. Continue lifting hips as you breathe deeply, holding for 3 to 5 deep breathes. Repeat 2 or 3 times.

Read More: Prevention


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