5 Effective Ramdev Yoga Asanas To Cure Rheumatoid Arthritis
1. Child Pose:
Child pose is a favorite among advanced yogis as well as among beginners. This pose is a great warm-up option before a yoga session as it gives the whole body a nice stretch and loosens up the limbs.
This exercise not only provides stretching but also improves the range of motion of your knees and shoulder joints.
2. Knee To Chest Pose:
This pose is a great hip opener. It helps in curing gastric problems and is known to relieve
3. Bridge Pose:
It is beginner to the intermediary pose, but it strengthens your finger joints, wrists, shoulders and opens your chest and hips.
The more advanced version of this can be performed by straightening your legs. This allows you to stretch your toes and ankles by pointing them.
4. Pigeon Pose:
This pose gives your body an amazing stretch. It is an effective hip opener. It is an intermediate pose and works on all the joint areas in the body. It strengthens the groin area also.
5. Kapal Bhaati Pranayam:
According to Baba Ramdev , Kapal Bhaati Pranayama is the best gift we can give to our body. He recommends this pranayama for almost every disease and disorder.
These poses of yoga for rheumatoid arthritis by Ramdev should be done daily. According to Baba Ramdev, consumption of lemon, turmeric and cherries, and massaging the joints with almond oil and regular Abhyanga strengthens the joints and eases the swelling and pain in the joints. Proper sleep is very important to prevent and cure the joint disorders, including RA.
Rheumatoid arthritis can take over your life, making the simplest of tasks seem like a battle. But, with these yoga poses you can get some semblance of normalcy back into your life. If you suffer from RA, try and practice yoga everyday—it will give your joints a new lease of life!
Do you practice ramdev yoga for arthritis? Has it helped? Share your experience with us in the comments section below.
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