How To Remove The Back Acne Method 3

Acne on the back is quite common and annoying. Prior to puberty adolescents and adults suffering from acne on the back know that this requires care totally different from pimples that sprout in the face. Despite this, his treatment shares some similarities with other types of acne vulgaris, since it arises due to overactive sebaceous glands located on the back.

Use medicinal solutions.

Wash your whole body with a medicinal bath oil-free gel. You have to use one that has as an active ingredient salicylic acid 2%. Body Neutrogena Clear Body Wash is a good product that has this ingredient. Focus on areas that have pimples and wait approximately a minute before you rinse it, thus eliminating all the fat. Leave the medication to penetrate and do its job.

You moisturize with a medicated lotion without oil. Your skin is an organ of your body, in the sense figurative, not literal. Like the other organs, your skin requires water and other nutrients to look and feel their best. Apply a lotion on your back when you wash it (every day).
  • You can also use a non-medicated lotion, but make sure that it is non-comedogenic. This is necessary, because the salicylic acid dry skin.

It is the areas affected with a cream for acne medication. To have employed the salicylic acid to wash and moisturize yourself, you must use another medication to treat the affected areas such as 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. If your skin is too sensitive, don't use benzoyl peroxide to the 5 or 10%, since this will worsen the irritation. If you're sensitive to benzoyl peroxide, you can use a solution of sulfur 10%.

Apply a retinol cream. Apply a cream of retinol in the back during the night. This exfoliate your skin and prevent outbreaks in difficult areas.

It uses the AHA and the BHA. Basically, the alpha is exfoliation that removes dead skin, which tends to clog the pores and cause acne. The betahidroxiacidos fight the acne bacteria from the inside. If possible, get a body scrub containing AHA and wash with him three times a week. After shower and moisturize you, rub you back with medicinal wipes with BHA.

Go to a dermatologist. It is entirely possible that this is a condition that should be treated with pills or topical prescription acne creams. Do not hesitate to go to a dermatologist to make sure.

Read More: Wiki How


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